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admin 上升星座查询 2023-10-01 00:57:45 49 0








  Aries (白羊座): Your rising sign is Aries if you were born between March 21 and April 19. As an Aries rising, you are known for your assertiveness, independence, and pioneering spirit. You have a strong presence and exude confidence.

  Taurus (金牛座): If you were born between April 20 and May 20, your rising sign is Taurus. With Taurus ascendant, you possess stability, determination, and a practical approach to life. You value security and enjoy the finer things in life.

  Gemini (双子座): Gemini rising applies to those born between May 21 to June 20. People with this ascendant are versatile, adaptable, and curious individuals who love intellectual stimulation. They tend to be excellent communicators.

  Cancer (巨蟹座): Cancer rising sign falls on those born from June 21 to July 22. As a Cancer ascendant individual, you are nurturing, sensitive,and emotionally intuitive. Home and family hold great importance in your life.

  Leo (狮子座): Born between July 23 to August 22? Your ascending sign is Leo! Leos are confident leaders who crave attention and recognition.You have a magnetic personality that draws others towards you.

... [Other zodiac signs continue] ... Pisces (双鱼座): If your birth date falls between February 19th - March 20th., then you have a Pisces rising sign. People with this ascendant are compassionate, imaginative, and spiritually inclined. They have a gentle and empathetic aura that attracts others.



  白羊座(3月21日-4月19日): 上升白羊座的人个性独立,行动迅速,充满自信和冒险精神。

  金牛座(4月20日-5月20日): 上升金牛座的人稳重可靠,脚踏实地,注重物质享受和安全感。

  双子座(5月21日-6月21日): 上升双子座的人善于交流,机智聪明,具备多才多艺的特点。

  巨蟹座(6月22日-7月22日): 上升巨蟹座的人情感丰富敏感,家族意识强烈,并具备保护他人倾向。

  狮子座(7月23日-8月22日期间): 上升狮子座的人自尊心强,对外界有着很大影响力,在事业上有野心与领导能力。

  处女座(8月23日期间到9 24日期间): 上升处女 座行事谨慎,注重细节,具备分析和批评能力。

  天秤座(9月23日-10月23日期间): 上升天秤座的人善于平衡各方面的利益,并注重公正和美感。

  天蝎座(10月24日-11月22日期间): 上升天蝎座的人深思熟虑,探究心理与神秘领域,并富有魅力和决策能力。

  射手座(11月23日-12 21日期间): 上升射手 座行动力旺盛,追求自由与冒险,在知识、哲学等领域有浓厚兴趣。

  摩羯座(12月22日-1 19日期间): 上升摩羯 座行事稳健务实,追求成就并有责任感,在事业上具备坚毅耐性。

  水瓶座(1 20 日到2 18 日之间) :上 升 水瓶 座 的 人 独立思考 ,关 注 社会问题 和 创新 思想 , 具备 外交 才 能 和友好 社交 技巧 。

  双鱼座(2 19 日到3 20 日之间) :上 升 双鱼 座 的人 敏感 温柔 ,富有同情心,具备创造力 和 艺术 思维 。




  白羊座(Aries): 爱冒险,充满活力和自信。往往是领导者。

  金牛座(Taurus): 坚定稳定,喜欢舒适和物质享受。追求安全感。

  双子座(Gemini): 聪明灵活,好奇心强,多才多艺。热衷于交流与社交。





Aries (白羊) – Ascendant in Aries

  You are energetic, assertive and confident. You have a strong need for independence and can be impulsive at times.

Taurus (金牛) – Ascendant in Taurus

  You are reliable, patient and practical. You prefer stability and security in life, and value material possessions.

Gemini (双子) – Ascendant in Gemini

  You are adaptable, curious and sociable. You enjoy intellectual stimulation and love to communicate with others.

Cancer (巨蟹) – Ascendant in Cancer

  You are nurturing, sensitive and intuitive. You have a strong emotional bond with your family and home.

Leo (狮子) – Ascendant in Leo

  You are confident, charismatic and passionate. You have natural leadership skills and crave attention from others.

Virgo (处女) – Ascendant in Virgo

  You are analytical, practical and detail-oriented. You strive for perfectionism in everything you do.

Libra (天秤) -Ascendant in Libra .

You are diplomatic,polite,and charming.You value harmonyand cooperationin your relationships.and tend to avoid conflict.

Scorpio (天蝎) – Ascendant in Scorpio

  You are intense, passionate and secretive. You have a strong desire for power and control.

Sagittarius (射手) – Ascendant in Sagittarius

  You are adventurous, optimistic and independent. You have a love for travel and learning new things.

Capricorn (摩羯) – Ascendant in Capricorn

  You are ambitious, disciplined and responsible. You have a strong work ethic and strive for success.

Aquarius (水瓶) – Ascendant in Aquarius

  You are innovative, independent and open-minded. You value freedom of expression and equality.

Pisces (双鱼) -Ascendantin Pisces .

Youare compassionate,intuitiveandcreative.Youhavea deepconnectionto your emotionsand the spiritual realm.< / P>

通过查询完整的1985年上升星座表,您可以更好地了解自己的升星座信息。这些信息将使您能够深入探索和理解自己的个性特点、行为模式以及与他人相处方式等方面。无论是在个人生活中还是职业发展中,对于我们来说,了解自己是非常重要的。 当我们拥有关于自身升星座信息时,就像获得一把钥匙,打开通往内心世界和潜能的大门。我们将能够更加准确地认识到自己在不同情境下的反应,并借此改善我们与他人之间的互动关系。 而1985年上升星座表提供了一个丰富多样、详尽全面的参考资源,在帮助我们揭示内心真实需求方面起着至关重要的作用。因此,如果您渴望了解更多关于自己独特魅力和优点的信息,请务必咨询这份宝贵而珍贵 的资料。 最后,请记住,“知己知彼百战不殆”。只有真正掌握并理解了自身特点,并学会运用它们进行积极有效地沟通和合作才能达到最佳效果。相信1985年上升星座表将帮助您更好地认识自己,提高个人发展,并在各个方面取得成功。 愿你的探索之旅充满收获和喜悦!通过查询1985年上升星座表,我们能够获取到宝贵的个人升星座信息。掌握自己的升星座信息,将帮助我们更好地了解自己的性格特点和行为模式。这是一个深入认识自我的过程,也是实现个人成长和发展的重要一步。










